Kaunas is is one of the most significant cities of Lithuania.
More than 35,000 students study at Kaunas' seven universities.
A vast cultural heritage is preserved in the historical
and architectural monuments, museums, theatres, art galleries
and churches of Lithuania's second largest city.
The Neo-Byzantine Church of St. Michael the Archangel.
Picture: www.globalgeografia.com
Facts and Pics
The axis of central Kaunas is formed by two pedestrian
streets: the 2 km long "Laisves Aleja" (Freedom
Avenue) and its continuation, Vilnius street. Here you will
find charming coffee bars, boutiques and bustlers who are
eager to please the crowd. The M. K. Ciurlionis Museum is
also well worth a visit. It commemorates the work of the
lithuanian avant-garde artist who tried to combine paiting
and music into a single artistic medium.
The Town Hall Square is famous for its striking churches,
the remains of a medieval fortress, the Perkunas House,
and the Devil's Museum.